This is, so far, my summer reading list. This list is pretty long, though, so more likely, this will turn into a reading list for my oh-so-abundant free time during the school year. (Please note sarcasm.) If you have further suggestions, let me know!
Currently reading: Man and Woman: A Divine Invention by Alice von Hildebrand Veritatis Splendor by Pope John Paul II
(I was supposed to have finished VS already, but Fr. G doesn’t need to know that I haven’t!)
Books for the summer (pretty much in the order I’d like to tackle them): -Spirit of the Liturgy by Cardinal Ratzinger -Idea of the University by Ven. John Henry Cardinal Newman -Deus Caritas Est by Pope Benedict XVI Books for the vague future: -Something from St. Teresa of Avila and St. Catherine of Siena (I have St. T’s autobiography already. $3 at a library book corner—quite a steal! But due to warnings of its difficulty, I’ve been putting it off for 2 or 3 years. Maybe I’ll tackle it soon. But regardless, I would also like something of St. C’s too.) -Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton -Introduction to the Devout Life by (??? I forget!!) -One of JPII’s documents on the woman (probably Mulieris Dignitatem) -He Leadeth Me (Someone in Rome had this one. It looked cool.) -Captivating by John and Staci Eldredge (suggested kindly by Andrew) -Something by St. Thomas Aquinas. I hear that his Latin is an easy read, but if I’m trying to read his Latin, I need to find a topic that I already have a vague idea about! :)
Oh yeah, and for when I get a fantasy kick, I know I need to read Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. I think if I haven’t touched it by the next time I see Dan C, I should be thoroughly disappointed in myself. :-P
Considering that I get easily distracted from one book by another book, I might not actually read all of these for several years. But if I get through even the first 2 books on the summer list before I go to school, I’ll feel accomplished! :) |
wow good list! you are so intellectual...
and i, too, have been meaning to read the LOTR trilogy since I enjoyed the movies so much.