Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Just one more thing to be thankful for...
In one of my random thought paths today (I swear, if I wrote down my trains of thought, then most of you would probably think I am crazy), my mind meandered a bit. I thought of the almost unfathomable fact that my graduation party was 3 years ago tomorrow. I found out that this happened to be the day that Pope Benedict XVI released the "Summorum Pontificium" which encouraged a greater use of the Latin Mass. I don't know much about the SP, but I suppose I should read it someday, since it's most definitely started a lot of movement towards the traditional Liturgy. In awe of this fact, and considering that I had no idea what significant events were happening at the time, then my mind wandered over my high school graduation....over to the calendar and its amazing swiftness...over to the calendar this year...over to the liturgical calendar...back to the day of my graduation.

It turns out that I graduated on the Feast of the Sacred Heart!!!

This is pretty significant to me now for myriad reasons, which I couldn't begin to describe here. But part of me wishes I would've seen the significance then, though I can't blame my 12th grade self for not recognizing it, since I didn't yet know to look for it. But that was my nifty discovery of the day, and I am so thankful for the Lord drawing me ever closer to His Sacred Heart!
posted by Kristin @ 6:47 PM  
  • At August 10, 2010 at 11:38 AM, Blogger Janelaine said…

    beautiful! i love that. my parents unintentionally got engaged on the feast of our lady of guadalupe... and now we have a huge painting of her in our living room :)


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Name: Kristin
Home: Pittsburgh, PA, United States
About Me: Seeking my true Fatherland as I travel this spiritual journey with Our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope, with the help of God, to follow in the example of the saints and strive for holiness.
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